That’s how many hours I’ve gone without eating, so far. Aiming for 72, as that’s the length of fast the Hubby read about as being most helpful for cellular autophagy (where the good cells destroy the bad cells). This is the first time I’ve done an extended fast (I’ve done intermittent fasting for years), and… Continue reading 66


I made four covers for four original short stories yesterday. I still have a couple more to go, but finding art for them proved to be more challenging than I’d expected. The InDesign learning curve didn’t do me any favors While the common telephone clears a use to the online survice on antibiotics, it goes… Continue reading Progress!

A Hard Weekend

This weekend was particularly difficult, which isn’t surprising, though also isn’t a great start to what’s going to be a hard couple of months. Why hard? Because from the beginning of November through the end of January was traditional a high concentration of time spent with my Mom. Oh, we saw her fairly often as… Continue reading A Hard Weekend


It feels like this last week had twelve days in it – and not the happy kind around Christmas. Really, it’s just been the weekend. Friday, we had an early-morning call with our financial advisor to go over changes resulting from Mom’s death, and a noontime appointment to change over her bank account to me… Continue reading Tired.

Labor Day

This holiday weekend is aptly named this year. Since my Mom went into hospital back in May, I’ve let my housekeeping go. Between visiting her nearly daily, keeping family and friends updated with her condition, coordinating visits by said family and friends (three different locations, with three different visiting policies between her heart attack/stroke in… Continue reading Labor Day

A Zathara Story

We had some friends over for a late lunch this past weekend and, as tends to happen when we get together, the conversation ranged across all kinds of topics – politics, fiction, history, the works. Oddly enough, at some point, The Da Vinci Code came up, and I said that I’d read all but one… Continue reading A Zathara Story

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