
Occasionally, the Higher Power laughs at me. Well, said Higher Power could *always* be laughing at me; it’s just that sometimes Thon lets me know about it. Friday night and yesterday morning, I was toying with “Agent 009.75,” an HP/James Bond crossover in which Violet Jane Moneypenny is a third Evans sister who ends up… Continue reading Beginnings


Disclaimer: This post discusses the Kingsman movies. There will be spoilers. You are warned.   Some time back, the hubby, sister-in-law, and I went to see The King’s Man. All three of us had enjoyed Kingsman: The Secret Service (K:SS) and Kingsman: The Golden Circle (K:GC), so we thought we’d enjoy the prequel.   We… Continue reading Tone

Ron Weasley

This is a reprint/expansion of the section on Ron Weasley in the Author’s Note to “Man of Iron, Child of Magic.” I do quote brief bits from “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” (or Philosopher’s Stone, if you’re on a different side of the Pond than me – grin), but these are permitted under copyright… Continue reading Ron Weasley

A Bit of Advice to Writers

Never, ever show anyone a work in progress. Or, as Stephen King said, write with the door closed. Ideally, fanfic writers won’t start posting until they’ve completed the story – but I know that’s wishful thinking. Why do I say that? Because unless you’ve got mental shields more impenetrable than Captain America’s shield Drug and… Continue reading A Bit of Advice to Writers

Talking Heads

No, not the musical group (and I apologize if your earworm is now one of their songs!) – the writing advice: Avoid talking heads. A quick definition: talking heads refers to scenes that are almost entirely dialogue, often without attribution. Is it good advice? Well, I don’t know – Hemingway made a virtue of talking… Continue reading Talking Heads

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