Culture and Common Cause

When the hubby and I watch The Voice, I’m often struck by how many artists/songs I don’t recognize. Who the hell is Dua Lipa? DJ Khaled? I have no idea, and I often feel uniformed. When I do, I remind myself that I’m well informed about other subjects, and there’s no real need for me… Continue reading Culture and Common Cause

Back, sort of

Because things never happen in a vacuum … while I was waiting for the new computer (more accurately, waiting for the hubby to find the best one and order it and set it up), my mom had a stroke and a heart attack. Long story short, she’s been in hospital (but is not a candidate… Continue reading Back, sort of

Technical Difficulties

The home computer is dying. I’m just snatching a minute to post here before it dies. Not sure whether it can be revived or if we need to replace it wholesale. Soon as I can, Arnold> I’ll be back. </Arnold>

Happy Easter

and end of Passover for those of you who observe either/both! For everyone else, bright blessings this year!

Coming up for Air

I spent the last nine days immersed in the fictional town of Goldport, Colorado, and its collection of shapeshifters – lions and panthers and dragons, oh my! – for three books, read back to back with almost no breaks in between. Why? Because the author got the rights back to the series and is ready… Continue reading Coming up for Air

Following Distance

You know what following distance is – the distance you keep between your car and the car in front of you (i.e., the car you’re following). The phrase came to my mind one day as I was driving home after a not-particularly-stressful day at the office. The drive, though, was very stressful. Besides a car… Continue reading Following Distance

Happy Birthday!

To me and the blog – it’s just born; I’ve been around a while. I’ve thought about starting a blog off and on over the years (even did one back in … 2008? Thereabouts. It lasted all of one post), and finally settled on doing it as a birthday present to myself. After all, we… Continue reading Happy Birthday!

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