That’s how many hours I’ve gone without eating, so far. Aiming for 72, as that’s the length of fast the Hubby read about as being most helpful for cellular autophagy (where the good cells destroy the bad cells). This is the first time I’ve done an extended fast (I’ve done intermittent fasting for years), and… Continue reading 66


Occasionally, the Higher Power laughs at me. Well, said Higher Power could *always* be laughing at me; it’s just that sometimes Thon lets me know about it. Friday night and yesterday morning, I was toying with “Agent 009.75,” an HP/James Bond crossover in which Violet Jane Moneypenny is a third Evans sister who ends up… Continue reading Beginnings

Re-Reading Harry Potter

I’ve noted before that while writing fanfiction I try to stay as close to canon as I can, and that necessitates re-reading the books (or portions of the books) before and during the writing.   I also make notes as I go, and these are some of my notes from the first Harry Potter book,… Continue reading Re-Reading Harry Potter

Ron Weasley

This is a reprint/expansion of the section on Ron Weasley in the Author’s Note to “Man of Iron, Child of Magic.” I do quote brief bits from “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” (or Philosopher’s Stone, if you’re on a different side of the Pond than me – grin), but these are permitted under copyright… Continue reading Ron Weasley

A Moral Question

Early this morning, lying half-asleep in the dark before dawn, a question flitted across my mind: On the assumption that the Killing Curse works by stopping someone’s bodily functions (it leaves no observable cause of death; what else could it do?), and on the assumption that the soul leaves the body at death… In Harry… Continue reading A Moral Question

Ginny Weasley

Apparently, I’m on a Harry Potter roll lately… One thing about writing Harry Potter fanfiction, at least for me, is spending so much time going over things in the books (the only true canon; the movies are secondary canon; everything else is tertiary – all my opinion Ensuring too main and respiratory prescription prescribers, pertaining… Continue reading Ginny Weasley

Pressing Charges

Since Mom’s death, I’ve been reading a lot of fanfic – re-reading old favorites and discovering new ones, especially in the Harry Potter fandom. Recently, I was reading YATTFIF (yet another time travel fix-it fic) that shall remain nameless because no one likes being used as a teaching example, however good the story is otherwise,… Continue reading Pressing Charges

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