A Zathara Story

We had some friends over for a late lunch this past weekend and, as tends to happen when we get together, the conversation ranged across all kinds of topics – politics, fiction, history, the works. Oddly enough, at some point, The Da Vinci Code came up, and I said that I’d read all but one… Continue reading A Zathara Story

A Writer’s Gift(s)

In a comment on “Man of Iron, Child of Magic,” someone said (paraphrasing): How hard can it be to create a character? My initial response was: Spoken like someone who’s never written a word of fiction in thon’s life. (This, by the way, is why I rarely interact with commenters/reviewers. I appreciate every one –… Continue reading A Writer’s Gift(s)

Coming up for Air

I spent the last nine days immersed in the fictional town of Goldport, Colorado, and its collection of shapeshifters – lions and panthers and dragons, oh my! – for three books, read back to back with almost no breaks in between. Why? Because the author got the rights back to the series and is ready… Continue reading Coming up for Air

V and Triangle

Unexpectedly, I find myself doing a series bible for an author whose work I’ve read and enjoyed (though not the specific series for which she wants the bible). She posted on a blog about needing it done, and I emailed and said, “I’m sure you’ve had lots of offers, but if not, then I’m your… Continue reading V and Triangle

State of the Scribe

I’ve made several starts on “Child of Iron, Goblet of Fire,” and I thought I’d finally found the right one – or at least one that kept me going. And then I took a left turn at Albuquerque and got off track. “Off track” in this case means that the words slowed down to a… Continue reading State of the Scribe

Following Distance

You know what following distance is – the distance you keep between your car and the car in front of you (i.e., the car you’re following). The phrase came to my mind one day as I was driving home after a not-particularly-stressful day at the office. The drive, though, was very stressful. Besides a car… Continue reading Following Distance

State of the Scribe

This is a periodic, though irregular, rundown of what I’ve accomplished and what I plan next to accomplish. My brain hasn’t worked well with strict plans and goals before, so we’ll see what happens here. Completed Fanfiction: “The Magical Sentinel” (Sentinel fusion of Harry Potter, Midsomer Murders, and a few other fandoms). All drafted, and… Continue reading State of the Scribe

Happy Birthday!

To me and the blog – it’s just born; I’ve been around a while. I’ve thought about starting a blog off and on over the years (even did one back in … 2008? Thereabouts. It lasted all of one post), and finally settled on doing it as a birthday present to myself. After all, we… Continue reading Happy Birthday!

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