Labor Day

This holiday weekend is aptly named this year.

Since my Mom went into hospital back in May, I’ve let my housekeeping go. Between visiting her nearly daily, keeping family and friends updated with her condition, coordinating visits by said family and friends (three different locations, with three different visiting policies between her heart attack/stroke in May and her death a month later), getting her things ready for an estate sale, having the estate sale, and dealing with all the legalities that pop up when someone dies … yeah. I’ve been a little busy.

Then, of course, add in that we took a few things from her house to ours (the biggest being a rocker/recliner that was part of a pair the hubby and I bought originally but had taken the one to her because it was easier for her to get into and out of, and a vintage chair that I intend to pair with a marble-topped antique table that I’ve had for years and have been trying to figure out what its final place/purpose would be)

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, and you have the recipe for a heck of a mess.

So yesterday, I cleaned the stove and started taping/preparing to paint baseboards (yeah, that task has been lingering since before COVID *blush*), plus did the usual weekly shopping.

Today, I reorganized the pantry. (Again, Mom had some unused/unopened food that we tossed in there , and this weekend our grocery store had its case lot sale.) That was sweaty work – and it’s still not entirely done/perfect, but at least it’s much better than it was.

Tomorrow, I finish cleaning the stove, paint the baseboards, do laundry, and clean the bathrooms.

Holiday? What’s that? GRIN

I’d planned a post about the challenges that come with being an INTJ writer, but honestly, I’m physically tired enough that it would most likely be just a ramble.

Not that this post isn’t a ramble, but it’s far more acceptable for a general status update to ramble than what’s intended to be a serious post.

I did get a couple of scenes for “Child of Iron, Goblet of Fire” written over the last week or two – they come further in the story, but they wanted to be written, so there you have it.

I also started (yet) a(nother) story – this one an MCU/NCIS:LA crossover that takes place just after Captain America is woken from his icy sleep. I’m not sure yet if I’ll nudge it to take place after the Battle of New York, but I may. The current working title is “Ladies Who Spy,” but “Badass Battle-Axes” also comes to mind. You can make of those titles what you will. GRIN

It hasn’t all be work this weekend, though. On Friday, hubby and I went to see SHANG-CHI AND THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGS and were pleasantly surprised. It’s no IRON MAN or THE FIRST AVENGER, but it’s not horrible – a solid effort, for sure.

Now to post this, and then a chapter for “Child of Iron.” My next step is re-reading what I have to get back into the flow of the story and then weave in those two scenes I wrote earlier this week.

With a bit of grace, I’ll be working regularly on it soon.

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