
So I’m working on “Child of Iron, Goblet of Fire,” and it has been fighting me every step of the way – from two false starts before I found the “right” one, to tortured justifications for Harry returning to Hogwarts, to … well, just about everything you can think of stopping someone? “Child” has thrown it at me, and then some.

I’ll freely admit to giving in to that Resistance last weekend and this weekend, even though I know exactly what comes next. I just haven’t felt like writing it. In fact, I’ve been having flashes of original stories – not just finishing “Splashdown,” which I started *months* ago (and it’s intended as a short story), but also flashes for what I’ve been referring to as a Harry Potter meets Powers of Matthew Starr novel (as yet untitled).

“Child” has fought me so much that I finally, in desperation, started posting the story a chapter a week, hoping that will nudge me forward into finishing it. The last couple of weeks suggest that wasn’t the best strategy, but c’est la guerre.

That said, today I’ve finished one scene and am starting another (the Death Eater attack at the Quidditch World Cup, if anyone cares). With luck and a little bit of grace, I’ll finish that scene today, too, and then I’ll be into a few scenes that are already written (see above re: false starts).


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