Coming up for Air

I spent the last nine days immersed in the fictional town of Goldport, Colorado, and its collection of shapeshifters – lions and panthers and dragons, oh my! – for three books, read back to back with almost no breaks in between.

Why? Because the author got the rights back to the series and is ready to start writing in it again – only she didn’t have a series bible for it. She asked if anyone could do it quickly and reasonably priced, and I said, sure, why not? I’d read others of her books and enjoyed them, after all.

Now, I have to say – shifters are not really my cuppa. (Neither are vampires, for that matter.) So I would not have picked these books up even though I enjoyed others of hers.

I would’ve been missing out. She has an odd sense of humor that permeates the books and on more than one occasion has had me laughing out loud. Romance is not the main focus (though it is there), and the world she’s created is large and has larger implications.

I highly recommend you give them a try, even if shifters aren’t really your thing. The books are:

Draw One in the Dark, Gentleman Takes a Chance, and Noah’s Boy, by Sarah Hoyt. (No links, because I don’t want to have even the appearance of taking compensation, however slight, for recommending books I enjoyed.)

Hopefully next week I’ll be able to put into words some of the thoughts careening around in my head about partners and romance and romantic partners that these books prompted.

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