State of the Scribe

I’ve made several starts on “Child of Iron, Goblet of Fire,” and I thought I’d finally found the right one – or at least one that kept me going.

And then I took a left turn at Albuquerque and got off track. “Off track” in this case means that the words slowed down to a trickle and became a chore. For me, that means that I’ve written from Critical Voice more than Creative Voice, and I need to back up and see where I went wrong.

I decided to go back and re-read “Man of Iron, Child of Magic” to both refresh my memory of things I established in that story and to see what questions and loose ends I left hanging. As I write this, I’m in chapter eleven (just after the meeting with Professor McGonagall), and I’m expecting to finish it by the end of the three-day weekend.

I’m also debating whether or not to post anything for Evil Author Day on Monday. I have a couple of starts that I doubt will ever go anywhere, so why not?

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