State of the Scribe

This is a periodic, though irregular, rundown of what I’ve accomplished and what I plan next to accomplish. My brain hasn’t worked well with strict plans and goals before, so we’ll see what happens here.

Completed Fanfiction:

“The Magical Sentinel” (Sentinel fusion of Harry Potter, Midsomer Murders, and a few other fandoms). All drafted, and all but the epilogue/author’s note posted. I expect to post those tomorrow, or maybe later today, depending on how long the day’s necessary tasks take.

Fanfic in Progress:

“At the Center of the Circle” (Arrow/Iron Fist). I’m not thrilled with the title, but it serves for now. Solidly into it at about 25,000 words. I trailed off for a lot of reasons – I really don’t want to rewrite the back half of Iron Fist Season One, but that’s where the story’s going. Arrow won’t look much like it did in canon, either. I keep thinking I should re-watch parts of Iron Fist Season One, that maybe doing so will get me back in the mood.

“Thicker than Water” (Arrow/NCIS, inspired by Jilly James’ “If Found, Please Return”). Even more solidly started at 40,000 words. Yet another rewrite of chunks of two series. I re-read it recently, and I like what I have.

Fanfic that’s Kinda Started:

Sequel to “Ad Astra Per Magicae” (HP/Stargate: Atlantis). This is hampered by my not having watched much SGA – the pilot episode and one or two after that, to be exact. Finding time to watch that series has mostly been what keeps me from working on it. I could, of course, just write the damn story the way I want to and see what happens.

“Child of Iron, Goblet of Fire,” sequel to “Man of Iron, Child of Magic” (HP/MCU – specifically Iron Man). I’ve tried a couple of starts, tried planning out more than I usually do, and so far, nothing’s quite gelled. The original has been my most successful story to date, and that’s … kinda intimidating, really. I know I’m going to have to go dark, as it were, while I work on it, so I can hear what story wants to be told, as opposed to the story the fans want to be told. Challenging, but doable.

Completed Original Fiction:

A mystery short story that I quite like, tentatively titled “Rosemary’s Ledger.”

Original Fiction in Progress:

A contemporary fantasy mystery short story that’s mostly finished, just needs a scene or two more to tie everything up. (She says, ironically, because when she thought that about “Man of Iron,” I got 10,000 more words.)

A SF short story, tentatively titled “Splashdown,” that is maybe 1/3 done. Maybe.

More novel starts than I want to admit to. My challenge has been getting past the ICBM (Inner Critical B****y Meddler) to actually write the stories, as opposed to worrying whether I’m “doing it right.”

A whole bunch of story ideas/prompts/starts that sang to me at one point, and still do when I think about them. No idea how long any of them will be.


With the caveat that no plan survives first contact, I want to play with “Child of Iron” and see what comes up, and I want to finish “Splashdown” – not necessarily in that order. We’ll see how that shakes out.

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