
I didn’t consciously intend to skip so many blog posts. It’s just that I don’t have much to say because life has been … interesting. Not nearly as “interesting” as when Mom died, but still…

I was rear-ended (not bad; I wasn’t injured and the car’s already fixed) on the way home from work one rainy Thursday, and dealing with getting me fixed and the car fixed took up more time than I would have liked. Then

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, when I went to pick up my car from the shop, turns out that someone (either at the shop or another customer, we have no way of knowing) managed to detach my driver-side mirror. The shop of course repaired it for me at no extra cost – but the style of mirror on my car isn’t made anymore (my car is ten years old)

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, so they had to get a used one and paint it to match, which delayed the repair a few days.

In the middle of that, I got a letter telling me my godmother had died – not a surprise, really, but still another emotional blow.

On a more positive note, hubby and I did a weekend getaway to the Utah Shakespeare Festival. We were planning to meet three other couples there – the husbands have all been friends 40 years or more. Unfortunately, two of those couples had medical issues come up, so they weren’t able to join us. Still, we enjoyed the plays, and it was great to get out of town for a while.

On the writing front, I finished one original short story and have a decent start on a second. With respect to fanfiction, I’ve started two: first, an HP/James Bond crossover wherein Moneypenny is a third Evans sister; and second, a story wherein Harry takes advantage of the freedom he has during the summer before third year while he’s staying at the Leaky Cauldron. I’ve also been noodling around with my own take on Reptilia28’s soulmate challenge.

That all sounds impressive, at least somewhat, heh. It doesn’t *feel* very impressive, though – especially not after doing so much the last couple of years.

Then again, we’re now looking more closely at retirement and moving out of state. Hubby will be eligible for Social Security beginning next year, so all those “someday” things we’ve talked about are staring us in the face.

We haven’t made any firm plans yet, but the discussions and the researching for where to move to are taking a fair amount of my time/energy.

So – no pressure, no expectations right now. It’s hard to do, for a lot of reasons, but the more expectations and pressure I feel, the more the Muse/Creative Voice/Story makes like a mule and sits down in the middle of the road, unwilling to move for anything.

All of which adds up to, once again, “Not much to report.” I’ll try to update more frequently, even if those posts are just, “Not dead yet!” *grin*

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