May Day

The calendar is full of opportunities to reflect and reset on … well, just about anything. Specifically, goals.

Today is May Day, a celebration of spring or summer, depending on where you are and/or who you believe. I tend to favor summer

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, if only because of the temperature and the weather outside. Regardless, I’m taking a moment to reflect.

Progress is slow on the current project – I’m still hoping it comes in at novella length (it’s currently just shy of 12k; a novella tops out at 25k), but won’t be surprised if it goes past that to novel. That’s assuming that I can get past the project block that rears its head with distressing frequency on this one.

I’ve been thinking of setting it aside to come back to later, when it won’t feel both so important and so dangerous. Why won’t it? Because later, I should have a ton more stories completed and, G*d willing and the creek don’t rise, the external factors that are bothering me should have changed, hopefully for the better.

On a more positive note, a week and a half ago, I posted “Siblings and Cousins” (which, horrible title, but I couldn’t come up with a better one), a crossover between the MCU and Eureka. It was actually the second idea I had for crossing those two fandoms, but the first one that gelled into a story. I’m pleased that people appear to be enjoying it…

…and I’m thinking about how to take that first idea and work it into this version of the crossover. I had a couple of thoughts while I was in the shower this morning , and I may spend the day working on it – aside from the time we’ll be at my SIL’s place for a barbecue this afternoon. All the local family will be there, and it’s been ages since we’ve seen them.

I’m also struggling with, as ever, the fan fiction vs. original fiction debate. Generally speaking, my writing style is a hobby – I don’t write every day, and I’m not super prolific most of the time (though there were a couple of years…), so making much beyond coffee money from original fiction seems an ambitious goal.

But then – it’s not about the money, really. Clearly not, since I’ve spent the last 15 years (!) writing and posting fanfiction rather than original fiction. I get a lot of satisfaction from positive reviews of my fanfiction, and original fiction probably won’t draw as much of an audience.

Smaller audience, most likely very little money – what are the reasons to do original fiction, again?

Hello, overthinking, my old friend….


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