
I made four covers for four original short stories yesterday. I still have a couple more to go, but finding art for them proved to be more challenging than I’d expected. The InDesign learning curve didn’t do me any favors

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, either.

Today, I’ve written the blurb for one short story, and hope to get the others done as well. The fly in that ointment?

Hubby and I started watching Eureka. I have no idea how we missed it when it originally aired

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, except that for a lot of time, we live in a sort of media-exclusion bubble, and 2006-2012 might have been part of one.

We just finished the first season, and I have two fanfic ideas bubbling in the back of my head. One’s at the, “oh, that could be fun” stage. The other…

The other is poking at me, with scenes and dialogue and such. I’m tempted to write it just to get it out of my mind – sort of like playing the song that’s my earworm on repeat for an hour to get rid of it. What’s making me hesitate is that it takes place after a specific event (spoiler: Nathan Stark’s death), and I haven’t watched that episode yet. I’m debating writing the thing now or waiting a few weeks until I’ve seen the actual episode. Decisions, decisions.

The other thing on my to-do list for the day (besides laundry; there’s always laundry) is making reservations for our trip to our nephew’s wedding in September. Five months out is perfectly reasonable, and far less than I’ve done in the past. (My record is 10.5 months out for a trip to the UK for one of hubby’s milestone birthdays. It would’ve been longer than that, but the one hotel we *really* wanted to stay at wasn’t taking reservations any sooner. Since that was the highlight of the trip, I booked it first and planned around it.)

Not as bad a weekend as some, but I’ll be glad for some relaxation.

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