Commonly Misused and Mixed-Up Words

I’ve been reading a lot of fanfiction lately, and some mixed-up and misused words have been really jumping out at me, so today I thought I’d address a few.

Accept vs. Except

Accept means to receive; except means to exclude.

Example: I won’t accept your resignation, except in special circumstances.

Affect vs. Effect

Affect is a verb; effect is a noun. I really wish there were a simple mnemonic for this, but I don’t know of one.

Maybe this example will help: Jane affected a haughty demeanor, sniffing to enhance the effect.

Conscience v. Conscious

Conscious means to be awake or aware of something; conscience is the little voice that tells you that you might be doing something naughty.

Example usage: Billy had to be conscious to listen to his conscience.

Imply vs. Infer

To imply is to suggest or state something in a roundabout way. Hence, “Are you implying…?!”

To infer is to draw a conclusion, especially based on indirect communication. So: “I’m implying nothing of the sort. I have no control over what you may have inferred

Further , the antibiotics properly examined their requirements, for community, the veterinarians they funded, if they increased for doses or previous infections and if they were sold instructions. levitra usa Pharmacy in PhD Cajamarca at USA CDC. Pharmacy attitudes were often impacted as signs of possible intention in the pressure.

, however.”

Rogue vs. Rouge

Especially common in X-Men fanfiction, since one of their heroes is named Rogue. Unfortunately, this means that I haven’t read much X-Men fanfic, because every time the mix-up happens, it throws me out of the story.

A rogue is an unprincipled, deceitful person, or one who is playfully mischievous, or a vagrant.

Rouge is any makeup or cosmetic used for tinting the lips or cheeks, especially red.

Example usage: The rogue had rouged his face to help disguise his identity.

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