A Hard Weekend

This weekend was particularly difficult, which isn’t surprising, though also isn’t a great start to what’s going to be a hard couple of months.

Why hard? Because from the beginning of November through the end of January was traditional a high concentration of time spent with my Mom.

Oh, we saw her fairly often as it was – once a week, at least. But beginning with her brother’s birthday in early November, on through Thanksgiving, her birthday in late November (sometimes the same day as Thanksgiving), hubby’s and my wedding anniversary in December, Christmas

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, New Year’s, and my birthday in January … it was a LOT of extra time spent with her.

This is the first year without her for any of it, and it hurts.

On a positive note, I managed to recreate her scrambled eggs, with biscuits and gravy, that she always made for breakfast Thanksgiving and Christmas mornings. I tried on Thursday (Thanksgiving) and hubby said it was “close.”

He suggested a few tweaks, and I applied those yesterday (her birthday) – and he said it was “perfect” and I should be sure to write down what I did so I can repeat it going forward.

I didn’t get as much writing done this weekend as I would’ve liked, but at least I can finally see the shape of the end of “Child of Iron.” Two scenes to finish the current chapter; the third task; and then the wrap-up/validation/denouement.

“Child” currently sits around 81,000 words, and I’m hopeful to finish it by 90,000 – 95,000 tops.


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