A Moment of Calm

This weekend is a moment of calm in a bunch of busy weekends, and those busy weekends are only going to increase as the holiday season kicks into full gear.

I’m making use of the lack of outside commitments to get some housework done – decluttering, a deep cleaning, the usual. GRIN With a little luck, this weekend’s work will make the coming weekends slightly less frazzled.

One thing I haven’t done much of is write. I could list a ton of reasons (excuses? probably), but the honest, deep down truth is, I started writing again too quickly after Mom died. I thought I was ready, but I wasn’t. At least, I wasn’t *fully* ready.

But I continue working on “Child of Iron” as much as I can because I promised. Or at least, I feel like I promised, and that matters to me. I said before I didn’t write much, but I have gotten most of the second task done.

I hope to find time today to finish the second task and maybe do a quick check-in scene with Jasper, who’s getting quite frustrated/annoyed with proto-Voldie by this point, and thinking that perhaps he made a mistake in offering to renew contacts between Hydra and the Dark elements of the magical world…. Yes, that’s a good scene to do, because I almost started writing it here. Bad form!

Once “Child of Iron” is completed, I don’t know what will come next. That’s both a blessing and a curse, of course, and I’m privileged to be able to do this at all.

I have several projects in the works:

An Arrow/Iron Fist crossover tentatively titled, “At the Center of the Circle,” which has 25,000 words so far, and is working its way toward a complete rewrite of both shows as of the point of departure/crossover.

An Arrow/NCIS crossover titled, “Thicker than Water,” inspired by Jilly James’ story, “If Found, Please Return,” and currently sits around 40,000 words. It, too, will send both shows’ continuities along massively different paths than canon.

The sequel to “Ad Astra per Magicae,” which has more thoughts than words at this point, and I need to watch Stargate: Atlantis to feel truly comfortable writing it. So far, I’ve only watched the pilot episode and read a metric ton of fanfiction about it. Something to binge, perhaps…

An NCIS: Los Angeles/MCU crossover in which Peggy Carter isn’t developing dementia/Alzheimer’s naturally , but rather is aware that she’s being drugged into it and takes a few steps to protect herself and her bigger secrets before it’s too late. Only about 6,000 words so far, but I like what I have.

There are a few other ideas puttering around – again, more thoughts than words at this point:

Moneypenny (as portrayed by Samantha Bond) is an Evans sister and takes baby Harry Potter away from the Dursleys to raise him herself.

The “date” Steve Rogers had was with Diana of Themyscira, and he bumps into her after he wakes up but before the Chitauri invasion. I like the idea, but I’m not sure how different it would be from the stories I already wrote about that pairing – other than the Justice League helping kick the Chitauri’s collective backsides, if I futz about with continuity a bit. Or vice versa – the Avengers help kick Steppenwolf’s backside. Then again, the League has Superman, and that’s pretty much game over for anybody who doesn’t have kryptonite or magic. So, yeah – noodling, but nothing story-hooking yet. Maybe never.

Years ago, I started a Batman/Iron Man crossover

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, “Armor Makes the Man,” but unless I want to write it straight up slash between Bruce and Tony, I didn’t find anything story-hooking there, either. Doesn’t mean it’s not there, just that I haven’t found it yet.

And that’s just the fanfiction ideas that are bubbling around. I have at least as many original fiction ideas, and a couple of those have really been pulling at me lately.

So many stories to write, so little time to write them.

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