That’s how many hours I’ve gone without eating, so far. Aiming for 72, as that’s the length of fast the Hubby read about as being most helpful for cellular autophagy (where the good cells destroy the bad cells).

This is the first time I’ve done an extended fast (I’ve done intermittent fasting for years), and I’m surprised that we haven’t felt overly hungry.

Oh, sure, we get the occasional pang, but taking a pinch of salt (to help replace electrolytes) and a drink of something – tea, usually, for me or coffee, usually, for the hubby – satisfies those pangs nicely. In about 5 ½ hours, I’ll start dinner (the first meal since Thursday evening).

I’ve felt mentally sharp, and have spent several hours journaling and also working on the current WIP, the Harry Potter/James Bond crossover titled, “Her Sister’s Child.” I’d hoped to finish that yesterday, but I stalled, briefly, at Harry’s arrival to King’s Cross Station. I was holding on too tightly to an aborted start I made for this story a while back. Once I realized that while journaling last night , I was able to see the way forward.

Once I post this, and the next chapter of “Child,” I’ll start on the scene at King’s Cross. Then the sorting, and then an epilogue after the incident with Quirrellmort. Then DONE, and on to the next story.

Oh – and I submitted an original story to Writers of the Future contest, and this past week, I was notified that I received an Honorable Mention!

(Naturally, my cynical side said, “Does everybody get one?” so I had to do some research. No, not everybody gets an Honorable Mention or higher; only about 10% do. I’m chuffed!)

Hubby’s comment put it all in perspective: “At least you’re not in Sturgeon’s 10% crap.” *GRIN*

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