Happy Labor Day!

So this morning I started an HP time-travel fix-it fic that is exciting to me – at least right now.

And then the hubby and I sat down to watch the last of a retirement planning course I bought a few weeks ago. (He turns 62 next year

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, so it’s time to start preparing.) That course has triggered a couple of things that should be done before we have a call with our financial advisor on Wednesday , so I’ll be doing those things before continuing the HPTTFIF – which currently doesn’t even have a working title; seriously, the file is saved as Harry Potter Time Travels to Fifth Year.

Would I prefer to spend the day writing? Absolutely.

But business before pleasure when there’s a time crunch, so I’m posting this quickie post and then diving into our IRA and 401(k) records, plus our expenses.

…I may need a drink, or a whole bottle, before I’m done. GRIN

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