Top Gun: Maverick (no spoilers)


This is how you do a sequel.

I’ve seen it called a “legacy sequel” and a “nostalgia sequel,” but it’s just a sequel that picks up logically from where the original left off – and then proceeds to be better than the original. The last time that happened was, I think, The Empire Strikes Back.

No spoilers, but I will say that the concerns I had from the trailer were addressed honestly and respectfully, and in ways that are true to the character we fell (a little) in love with in the original. (And if you didn’t fall (a little) in love with Pete “Maverick” Mitchell … well. Clearly our tastes are different, and perhaps you might not find this entry, or this blog, to your liking. GRIN)

I’ll only address the line of dialogue from the trailer – “I’m not a teacher.” Turns out, Maverick did teach at Top Gun and lasted two months. As Hubby observed on the way out of the theater, “He may not be a good teacher, but he’s a great leader.”

I’m not embarrassed to say that I teared up during a certain scene between Maverick and Iceman, and the first thing I said after we left the theater Friday night was , “That had heart. Lots and lots of heart.” (The first thing I said during the movie was when Hubby and I both leaned toward each other and whispered

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, “Skunkworks!”)

The thing I appreciated most about the movie is that it’s all real, practical effects rather than green screens and CGI. I have nothing against CGI effects, in principle, because movies like Iron Man and Avengers wouldn’t exist without them. Still, there’s something about practical effects that makes a movie feel better somehow – at least to me.

Take a look at Star Wars (no, originally it wasn’t called A New Hope in the marketing) and then watch any of the non-original movies, whether it be The Phantom Menace or The Force Awakens. The interactions between the characters and the world/setting feel more genuine, for lack of a better word, when practical effects predominate. See also, the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

If you haven’t seen Maverick yet, it’s worth the effort to go to the theater and – as one person said in an interview – see it on the biggest screen you possibly can. Me, I’m thinking about seeing it again in IMAX.

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