Mother’s Day

It’s Mother’s Day in the US – the first one I’m spending without my own Mom.


Not that we ever did a lot to observe the holiday

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, but I made her breakfast and dinner, and if there was a movie she wanted to see, we’d take her to that when her health permitted.


So this morning, I put together a frittata with some leftover Rice-A-Roni and the last bit of last week’s lunch meat, and Hubby and I sat down to eat – orphans, both of us, for the first time.


There’s an emptiness in our lives where she used to be, a gaping hole like an injury. And like an injury, that emptiness will eventually scab over and leave only a scar behind.




On a lighter note, I woke up with a realization about “Messiah” – one of those thoughts that make you smack your forehead and exclaim, “Of course – so obvious! How did I miss that before?”


So I’ll turn that scene over in my mind a bit while I do laundry and housework, and probably write it later today.




I feel badly that I’m not writing long, interesting posts like so many other writers do; but I’m trying to be honest

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, and I hope that counts for something.



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