Schedule Disruptions

This weekend got busier than expected – not always in bad ways, but even good things take time.

Friday night, we went to a concert and got home late and to bed later. That meant we were starting Saturday later than usual, but we’d accounted for that when we considered what else to do this weekend.

“What else,” in this case meant not much. Besides both of us being introverts and therefore needing more time than others to recharge after being around so many people for so long

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, we also knew that we have an appointment with our tax preparer today, which is why I’m posting this earlier than usual. (Yes: at this time, most of my blog entries are written on the day they go live.)

So yesterday we got up late, went out for breakfast (a weekly habit/routine/ritual) and ran a couple of errands. We’d just barely gotten back in the door when a friend called and asked if we were home so she and her husband could stop by. It had been a while since we’d seen them, so of course we said yes.

That turned into an hour-plus long visit catching up and just generally enjoying spending time together – wonderful , of course, but it did eat into the afternoon, which meant I finished gathering the materials for the meeting with the tax preparer later than expected. (I sent everything to him electronically back in late February/early March, but hadn’t bothered to organize the physical papers. Then he said he needed to meet in person because this year’s return(s) are more complicated, thanks to Mom’s death.)

Then I’d had the bright idea to try a couple of new recipes for dinner – side dishes only, but still they took longer than, say, sauteed veggies or creamed spinach – before our regular Saturday game night with friends.

Also yesterday, we got an email from an out-of-town friend letting us know he’ll be in town this coming week, and could we possibly get together? So that’s now on the calendar for tomorrow night – in addition to a quick clean-up of the public parts of the house, because he’s not a close enough friend that I’m comfortable having him over no matter what the house looks like (unlike the couple who came over yesterday; I’ve known them even longer than I’ve known my husband, and Hubby and I have been married more than 25 years).

While I’m glad to see him again, his visit is a bit of chaos in the routine. Besides suddenly having to plan another meal, our regular Monday gym session has to be rescheduled – and the best time for that is today after the meeting with the tax preparer.

All in all, this weekend has been shot for writing any serious amount of time. Normally, I take what I can get when it comes to writing time, but at the moment, I’m working through a plot tangle, and the Story/Muse/Creative Voice and the Inner Critic/ICBM/Critical Voice are at loggerheads. This happens periodically with every story, so I’m not worried. I just know my patterns and what I need right now is enough time to explore a couple of story possibilities – a few hours of uninterrupted time. I’ll get that time, of course; it just won’t come this weekend like I’d planned.

I did, though, sit down and type out a list of all the projects that have been popping up in notes/journal entries or otherwise taking up a fair amount of mental space. How long is the list? Twenty-five entries.


Some of them are potential series; some are just short stories. Still, that’s a *lot* of writing to look forward to – and those are just original fiction ideas. Fanfiction ideas are too numerous to list. The current one taking up a fair amount of creative brain space is a crossover between Eureka and the MCU, in which Tony Stark inherits his cousin Nathan’s estate – including the controlling interest in Global Dynamics.

I really wish there were a machine of some kind that could take the images in my mind and translate them to the page/screen directly, rather than having to use my body (fingers, etc.) to do it. A direct translation would be so much faster….

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