State of the Scribe – January 2022


Tired. And maybe a little bit depressed, too.

The causes are many and varied, and not something I’ll be going into here. My pen and paper journal

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, though? THAT’S getting a workout like it hasn’t had in years.

But this blog is about writing, mostly, so that’s what I’ll focus on.

Evil Author Day is only a couple of weeks away, and I’ve been considering what to post for that.

One or two are easy – “The Music Box,” the Leverage/White Collar crossover that I still think could be great fun but it’s been far too long since I watched WC to get the characters right, and I don’t really want to re-watch the first couple of seasons to get it.

Then there’s “Battle-Axes,” which is saved on my hard drive as “Ladies Who Spy,” the Hetty/Peggy crossover that I still want to do. This, though – this is a false start. Some of the concepts and such are there, but the starting place and POV is all wrong. Still, it was fun to write, and it helped me understand where the *right* starting place is.

The two I’m not entirely certain whether to post or not are “At the Center of the Circle,” the Arrow/Iron Fist crossover, and “Thicker than Water,” which was inspired by Jilly James’ “If Found, Please Return,” in which Tony DiNozzo is actually the lost Queen baby.

I enjoyed Jilly’s story a lot and have re-read it several times. My only concern with it is that there was no real choice or dilemma for Tony to face when deciding whether to leave NCIS and where/how to land after the fact. So, I chose to set my version of that story in the Arrowverse, to give Tony an actual dilemma when it comes to his vigilante brother.

When I asked what my readers/fans might want to read next (with no guarantees offered), “Battle-Axes,” “Gypsy Legacy,” “Thicker than Water,” and a sequel to “Ad Astra Per Magicae” all received more than one vote, as it were – “Center” got none.

Which answers that question, doesn’t it? GRIN

As we were on the way back from a seminar this afternoon (it ran a bit over, which is why this post is late), I started thinking about a fluffy fic with the oddest pairing I’ve ever thought of (Tony DiNozzo is one half of it; the other…you’ll just have to wait and see *evil grin*), and that may be just what the subconscious/Muse is wanting right now.

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