Not-So-Lazy Sunday

I’ve long tried to make Sundays a lazy day in my house – though my definition of lazy in this context probably doesn’t fit anyone else’s.

I try not to run any errands on Sunday, or leave the house at all, really, but I do allow some household chores, usually laundry and sometimes dishes. I also cook our meals on Sunday.

Other than that? Not much happens on Sunday.

Errands are done on Saturday, as are any movies we go to, and get-togethers with friends also happen on Saturdays (absent rare special exceptions, such as when a birthday falls on a Sunday).

This morning, though?

Hubby slept late(r than usual), and while he slept, I grabbed some Goof Off to remove some paint that had seeped under the tape when I painted baseboards a while back (and that I had let sit way too long, because … well, because).

After he got up and I had showered and was starting to assemble ingredients for breakfast, my friend L called to talk about investment options – to the tune of 35 minutes. Not a problem

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, of course, but not something I would have normally done on a Sunday morning.

Also as a result of that call, I expect to be spending a couple of hours on stock research today. Joy.

Earlier in the week, another friend had asked to stop by after church to pick up some items that I no longer need but would help a friend of hers. Naturally, that turned into a few minutes of chat.

Due to all of that, I didn’t even get started on breakfast until almost 10 this morning – and I was trying a new recipe, which always goes more slowly than recipes I know by heart.

Which means that my lazy day just became less lazy. Laundry still awaits, as does the research on stocks, but right now, I’m posting this and then posting the next chapter of “Child of Iron, Goblet of Fire.”

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