
It feels like this last week had twelve days in it – and not the happy kind around Christmas.

Really, it’s just been the weekend. Friday, we had an early-morning call with our financial advisor to go over changes resulting from Mom’s death, and a noontime appointment to change over her bank account to me and the hubby. I still worked my regular day job, too – around those appointments.

Yesterday, I got a fair number of words on “Child of Iron, Goblet of Fire” before we went grocery shopping before having breakfast with SIL, and then I went to the watercolor class I’m taking (great fun, but it’s a four-hour chunk out of each Saturday for six weeks). After getting home from that, it was time to make dinner before sitting down to play Savage Worlds (online with friends).

Today was a catch-up kind of day. After I chatted online with a friend on the East Coast for a while, Hubby and I had breakfast out (Hubby has a classic car that he likes to take out once a week or so, and we usually use that time to go to breakfast), then came back home briefly before taking the dogs to the groomer. Once we returned from dropping them off, I watched the current week’s videos of a six-week online writing class while doing laundry.

The writing class comes with assignments, so as soon as I finished, I did this week’s assignment and got it in the email to the instructor. (Dean Wesley Smith’s Depth workshop, if anyone’s interested – it’s a very solid class so far.)

Then it was time to pick up the dogs, and here I sit writing this after attempting to write the assignment from the *other* writing class I’m taking right now. I got a good couple of paragraphs, then my brain said, Nope, not right now. It’s due by midnight tonight, so I’m probably not going to get it done. The class is still interesting, but the assignment just doesn’t want to be written.

On top of that

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, I realized yesterday that I could break “Child” by moving one event that I’d originally thought of for after the third task up to after the first task. I’ve been back-braining that , trying to see whether the Muse (the story, my subconscious – call it what you will) likes that better or prefers to keep it for the third task.

So far, I’m not getting any great urge to move it up, so I’m pretty sure it’ll remain where I originally thought it would go. Note that “pretty sure” isn’t “certain,” as those commercials during the last S***r B**l made clear. GRIN

After I finish writing and posting this blog entry, I’ll post the next chapter of “Child” and probably read some fanfic or watch something on Y**T*** before diving back into the story for a while before I make dinner and then it’ll be time to play Deadlands online with friends.

So there you have it, an unplanned “day in the life” of this writer. Not very interesting, I know – but most people’s lives aren’t.

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